Beginner Videos
Buyer's Guide
AI Art Prompts
Kelty's List
If you're in Utah,
and getting started with horses
Let's partner up.
What is this?
This is a website for people in Utah who are getting started with horses.
We're here to help you find horses, trainers, and other resources to help you get started.
Beginner Videos
Our friends and family often have questions about starting horse lessons. We've put together a series of short videos to help.
Buyer's Guide
“Can you help me evaluate this horse I saw in an online ad?”
Copy/paste a horse seller's ad from anywhere and get thoughtful, instant advice.
Kelty's List
The best horse resources in Utah that I've found to date. Some categories:
Just for Kids
10 links
Classified Ads
6 links
Breed Societies
4 links
Facebook Groups
8 links
9 links
Trail Rides
4 links
... and more!